There are a lot of different things you must be doing to make sure your cleanroom work is safe and sanitary.
Cleanrooms are usually used within scientific research and manufacturing labs to provide a controlled environment for handling sensitive samples and components. They are constructed in a way to minimize all particles from being introduced, generated, or retained within the room. There are a lot of different things you must be doing to make sure your cleanroom work is safe and sanitary. Besides machines, assemblies, and a few processes in the cleanroom, it is above all of the personnel who work in the room that contributes significantly to the room’s purity. In this blog, we’ll give some insight into the most essential rules of behavior for proper cleanroom protocol. Read on to learn more!
Staff in Your Cleanroom
The employees in your cleanroom are considered to be one of the top sources of potential contamination. Especially the particles found from the human body, such as skin, dust, hair, or even bacterial particles, can severely impair the cleanliness of the room. Through a high-intensity movement of employees, these particles quickly reach the clean environment, so that intense movements could increase the particle emission.
In addition to your cleanroom-compatible dress code, the behavior of your staff itself in such an environment is one of much importance in maintaining the air cleanliness class of your cleanroom. Only through proper training, transparent and open communication, and adequate lab cleaning supplies and protocol can your staff be enabled to behave properly within the cleanroom.
How Should Laboratory Employees Act in the Cleanroom?
The rules of correct behavior in a clean environment should be followed strictly by each employee so as not to contaminate the cleanroom unintentionally. Behavior protocol rules can be divided into different categories:
Personal Traffic: a critical rule that each lab and cleanroom should follow is that only trained and qualified staff should work in the cleanroom. Only the required minimum staff members should be present in the workspace. When not buys or just watching, staff should stay as far away as possible from a critical area. This is to avoid potential disaster for those working with samples or sterile laboratory equipment.
Miscellaneous: Only use your permitted cleanroom wipes and specialized equipment for cleaning the area. For taking notes and sketches, only ballpoint and fiber-tip pens should be used. If paper is brought into your cleanroom, make sure it is suitable for use.
Diseases: Do not ever sneeze or cough in the direction of the critical workspace. It should be avoided at all times, especially since we are in the middle of a pandemic. If any employee is unfit for working in your cleanroom temporarily or permanently, they should be transferred elsewhere.
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