ISO 8655 service is the gold standard for pipette calibration providing comprehensive measurements and documentation.
Pipettes are an essential part of pharmaceutical research, and clinical diagnostics, as they are used to help scientists and doctors quantify and qualify their samples. The accuracy of these instruments is critical and can lead to false-positive or false negatives causing a major impact on both patients and research. ISO 8655 service is the gold standard for pipette calibration providing comprehensive measurements and documentation needed for the pharmaceutical and clinical testing environment. It’s more than just additional measurements.
For more information on Lab People’s ISO 8655 pipette and how it can help you, read on!
What is ISO 8655?
ISO 8655 is the official standard for laboratory pipettes and liquid dispensing devices. This standard is defined by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, which creates standards for more than 20,000 items. ISO standards help companies from all around the world have consistent specifications and quality of their product.
What Exactly is ISO 8655?
ISO 8655 defines the types and terms of pipettes, specific requirements and testing, factors affecting pipettes, and product-specific information, like decontamination, and a comprehensive and thorough procedure for calibration.
Which Labs should be using ISO 8655?
The ISO 8655 is a worldwide standard and outlines the best practices and industry standards. Most academic or research and development labs will not use this standard. However, ISO 8655 is used in pharmaceutical research and GMP manufacturing, pre-clinical, and diagnostics because the data generated from this equipment is essential for patients and clinical research. Producing consistent and accurate results are essential for these industries This is why we at the Lab People Inc. provide the ISO 8655 pipette to all of our customers.
What Makes ISO 8655 different from ISO 17025 Calibration?
The ISO 8655 standard includes additional criteria and testing procedures for calibration that are not included for your usual ISO 17025 service. These additional procedures outlined in ISO 8655-6 are completed to ensure the accuracy of the instrument tested in a given environment and help minimize variables that might affect the measurement results. This is why ISO 8655 is top standard for pipette calibration.
ISO 8655 outlines extra requirements for the testing equipment, testing materials, and other environmental conditions. All elements of the testing procedures are recorded, and all the equipment is calibrated and verified too. Lab People has a fleet of trained service technicians and testing equipment to provide this service and our ISO 17025 and basic pipette calibration for R&D and Academic Labs.
For more information on ISO 8655 or other kinds of essential laboratory equipment, give the Lab People a call today! We have a team of Metrologist available to answer any questions.
The Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all of our customers. We are here to provide you with the best lab equipment service, equipment, and supplies.
For more information about how we can assist you, visit our website, email us, or give us a call at 1-800-296-2001!
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