You will have to fill at least three different types of microbiology lab equipment for experiments. Read on to learn more!
Setting up your lab for the very first time can be a bit of a daunting prospect, no matter how well trained you might be or how many laboratories you’ve been to. To make sure you’re able to perform each task you have designed the lab for, you will need the essential equipment. You will have to fill at least three different types of microbiology equipment to set your workspace up optimally to conduct all of your projects. Read on for some microbiology lab equipment that every lab needs!
Your laboratory has to meet exacting standards of sterilization and cleanliness, and this includes consistent sterilization of your utensils. You will need an autoclave for most of your sterilization work, which uses steam and pressure to kill all bacteria on surfaces. With an autoclave, water will boil and trap the steam inside the closed container, which then creates pressure that elevates the steam’s temperature beyond water’s normal boiling point. Just be careful with the materials you put in the autoclave, since it uses steam and pressure, not every substance will survive the sterilization process. Use the autoclave on most glassware and certain liquid substances, like saline solutions, but if your concoction does not stand up to water or heat very well, you will have to find another way of sterilizing it.
Temperature-Related Storage Equipment
If you’re working in a microbiology lab setting, you know that a lot of materials require precise storage conditions, or they’ll deteriorate and become stable. When you have to keep samples for a bit before using them in your lab projects or between phases of a trial, you will need an incubator set at an ideal temperature in which your microbes will thrive. You might find it wise to keep a few incubators in your laboratory, all set at different temperatures to accommodate various samples. A deep refrigerator is also needed to hold all of these samples.
Separation and Combination
To mix materials, sometimes you have to heat or melt the individual samples to allow them to reach a much more malleable state. For experiments that require precise temperature below boiling, you could use a water bath with some thermostatic controls. A shaking water bath will do the mixing for you too. Water baths keep a much more consistent internal temperature, which provides the required stability. On the one hand, if you have to precisely separate elements of your samples, a centrifuge or microcentrifuge might be a good idea. Look for one with an extensive range of RPM. Sometimes you might need high RPM to separate stubborn particles, while other times, you might need a lower RPM to encourage cells to part.
For more information on microbiology lab equipment, come by the Lab People today!
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