Today’s blog is about the best ways for quality control testing for beverage manufacturing!
Quality control solutions can help you focus on consumer safety and your unique taste. Taste is key, which is why quality control and testing are crucial for any industry dealing with beverages. Read on to learn about the best ways for quality control testing for beverage manufacturing!
Spoilage Detection
Despite beer’s intrinsic antimicrobial properties and having a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system set in place, contamination could still occur at different stages of the brewing process. The main contaminates will include Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus linderni, and Pediococcus damnosus, as well as different molds, wild strained yeasts, and Saccharomyces species, all of which can live in different hostile conditions.
Water Testing
Although cities are always routinely performing microbiological and chemical water monitoring, contamination of the water used in breweries can happen during the process. This affects beer’s quality and flavor, so regular testing of water supplies, piping, tubing, and water from external wells is essential.
Analytical QC
To ensure your beer meets the highest quality standards, you must perform quality control with some analytical testing, on your incoming raw ingredients, during intermediate production steps and right before the final release. To run any sensory or analytical tests, you will require the right tools for sample preparation, like pipettes, lab balances, ultrapure water, syringe filters, and some filter papers.
Moisture Determination
Knowing the moisture of your testing materials will prevent a decline in quality during storage and also optimize the extraction process. Also, to get the maximum from your brewing by-products, you can sell your spent grain as livestock feed or to some distillery. Testing moisture content is essential to avoid fungal contamination and to help ensure that you get the best price possible.
Check Weighing
The Beverahe Check Weighing System we sell at the Lab People are an excellent option for quantity control during the filling process. Using the Check Weighing program with defined limits and visual aids, you can accurately control the actual contents or nominal gross weights. With an integrated temperature sensor and time-controlled self-adjustment, accuracy is guaranteed each time, regardless of the different conditions.
Give the Lab People a call today to learn more about proper quality control testing!
The Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all of our customers. We offer on-site and off-site calibration services for balances, pipettes, moisture analyzers, force measurement, test weights, and more. Services include preventative maintenance, SQ-Min, IQOQ, repairs, legal for trace/placed in service, verification, and more.
For more information about how we can assist you, visit our website, email us, or call us at 1-800-296-2001!
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