There are two primary types of ISO pipette calibration, which are known as ISO 8655 and ISO 17025.
Pipettes are an essential piece of lab equipment that every laboratory needs. We expect pipettes to accurately dispense liquid but after a while, pipettes will need calibration. The type of calibration your pipettes need may vary depending on usage, quality systems, and more. There are two primary types of ISO pipette calibration, which are known as ISO 8655 and ISO 17025. In this blog, we’ll break down the primary differences between the two and how they work for calibration. Read on to learn more!
What are ISO 8655 and ISO 17025?
ISO 17025 provides standards for testing and calibration. The service organization, like the Lab People, maintain their very own quality system and accreditation through an accreditation body, A2LA. ISO 8655 is a subset of ISO 17025, which is more specific to liquid handling devices, or pipettes as they’re commonly known as.
ISO 8655 is a more involved rigorous testing procedure with additional environmental condition measurements and calculations. This enhanced procedure is meant to provide consistent testing environment for pipettes for every service.
Who Exactly Needs ISO Pipette Calibration?
Any organization that is regulated by ISO (like many laboratories) can use ISO 8655. Usually, a GMP, GLP, or CLIA laboratory would require this kind of service.
What Makes ISO 8655 Calibration Different from an ISO 17025 Calibration?
The ISO 8655 standard includes additional criteria and testing procedures for calibration that aren’t included with your standard ISO 17025 service. These extra procedures outlined within ISO 8655 are completed to create a consistent environment and test plan and help minimize the variables that may affect the measurement results.
ISO 8655 outlines extra requirements for testing materials, equipment, and other environmental conditions. Elements of testing procedures are then recorded, and all the equipment is then calibrated and verified. For ISO 17025, measurement uncertainty and uncertainty value are reported with each calibration. If any equipment requires metrological traceability, then measurement uncertainty must be estimated for that equipment within the ISO or IEC 17025 calibration process.
For more information on ISO 8655 and ISO 17025 and other types of important lab equipment, give the Lab People a call! We have a team of metrologists available to answer your calibration questions.
The Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all of our customers. We are here to provide you with the best lab equipment service, equipment, and supplies.
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