If you are working within any type of laboratory, there are several different types of microscopes used for various purposes.
If you are working within any type of laboratory, there are several different types of microscopes used for various purposes. Some of the most popular types are stereo, compound, monocular, and trinocular microscopes. Some of these microscopes are better suited for biological applications, where others are best for other laboratory uses. Outside of light microscopy are the existing developments with electron microscopes and within scanning probe microscopy. Read on for a brief guideline of the different types of microscopes available within your laboratory.
Compound Microscopes vs. Stereo Microscopes
Compound microscopes are wonderful for viewing smaller specimens because of the higher powers of magnification they provide. Some of these specimens include bacteria, blood samples, and water organisms. Compound microscopes are capable of magnifying any specimens up to 1,000 times. They typically come with about three to five lenses of different varying powers of magnification. The range of powers is around 4x to 100x. The eyepiece on a compound microscope also adds an extra magnification of about 10x.
On the other hand, there are stereo microscopes. These are used for observing specimens that require much lower powers of magnification. The types of samples observed with this microscope include leaves, rocks, and insects. The stereo microscope has a magnification range of about 6.5x to 45x, which is a lot lower than the compound scope. Most stereo microscopes can also be considered binocular microscopes because they usually come equipped with two different eyepieces.
Monocular, Trinocular, or Binocular Microscope?
It is important to consider if you need a microscope with one, two, or three different eyepieces. Monocular microscopes are equipped with one eyepiece that can magnify lab samples up to 1,000 times. If you need a microscope that magnifies at much higher levels, then a binocular microscope is the right fit for you. Monocular microscopes are typically used in classrooms and laboratories for observing any slide samples. Then, stereo microscopes are available as monocular microscopes, but compound microscopes are only available in both trinocular and binocular models.
Binocular microscopes have two eyepieces, making it much easier for the viewer to observe any slide samples. Most find these microscopes more comfortable to use when compared to monocular microscopes. Trinocular microscopes come with a third eyepiece, which is used for mounting a camera onto the eyepiece. This allows for the views of the observed specimen to be presented and shared with others in the laboratory.
For any more information on these types of microscopes or any other laboratory equipment, give the Lab People a call today!
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