A lab balance can be a considerable investment, so, likely, you will not want to replace them that often.
A lab balance can be a considerable investment, so, likely, you will not want to replace them that often. Plus, the wrong measurements could spell a lot of trouble for virtually any kind of application. That is why it’s crucial that your machine is used and maintained correctly. Thankfully, there are a couple of different steps you can take to make sure your lab machine has a long life, and your balance readings are accurate. Read on to learn how to maintain and use your lab balance correctly!
Position Your Unit Properly
The position of your unit is key to help ensure you get a correct reading. It should always be on a stable and flat surface and should be adjusted such that it is level. It should also be placed far away from any draft sources like frequently opened doors or vents and any vibrating lab equipment. Once your unit has been calibrated, it should not be moved. The balance must be in a non-harsh environment, too – away from extreme heat or cold, humidity, or lots of dust, as these can all affect balance mechanisms and throw off readings.
Allow it to Warm Up
Are you in the habit of turning off your machines each day? If so, bear in mind that it is not a good idea to try to use it right away after you turn it on. The electronics need a little bit of time to warm up before you get a truly accurate reading.
Do Not Overload the Balance
Overloading the balance will usually give you an error, so you will know when it is happening and likely won’t get any reading. But do not use this as a guide. Overloading the balance by too much can cause permeant damage to those delicate internal mechanisms. Similarly, you should not leave your weighed items on your lab balance for prolonged periods of time either. Just be mindful when handling or storing the lab balance so that there is not too much pressure applied to it.
Calibrate it Consistently
If your unit comes with some internal calibration feature, then calibration won’t be as big of a concern. Even so, you should still check a scheduled intervals with certified calibration weights. Bear in mind that you should store and handle calibration weights correctly to avoid them getting damaged or dirty. They must also be dealt with forceps where applicable. For bigger weights that can’t be held with forceps, clean gloves should be used to avoid any oil from your hands transferring onto the weights.
The Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all of our customers. We are here to provide you with the best lab equipment service, equipment, and supplies.
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