In the case of moisture analyzers, two different calibration processes have to be performed.
Laboratory-scale moisture analyzers use halogen or other infrared heaters as a part of a procedure to determine the moisture content within products to ensure that they’re in compliance with federal and industry regulations. As with all precision analytical scales or balances, accuracy is an essential requirement for a moisture analyzer. In the case of moisture analyzers, two different calibration processes have to be performed: one for temperature accuracy and one for weighing accuracy. Read on to learn how to calibrate your moisture balance properly!
Why Moisture Analyzers Have to Be Calibrated
It takes very little in the way of disturbances to impact a moisture analyzer balance’s overall accuracy. For example, the effect of gravity isn’t the same everywhere on the planet, meaning that the newly bought analyzers have to be calibrated on the spot before you use them. Moreover, changing environmental conditions in the lab or wherever moisture analyzers are used can impact accuracy, as moving a unit to another spot, even if it’s only to another workspace. The workspace should be isolated from vibration caused by moving carts across the floor and from the temperature fluctuations by proximity to any air conditioning or heating units.
Weighing Calibration
External calibration is the process that is used to check the accuracy of moisture analyzers. This is performed by using recommended adjustment weights, like 50 grams, for the particular moisture balance that is being tested. Calibration procedures are outlined in operating instructions accompanying multiple models of moisture analyzers. Once the unit has been tended to accommodate the sample pan’s weight, the calibration weight is placed on the pan. If there is a discrepancy between the exact weight and what the moisture analyzer will display, the analyzer will automatically correct itself, and the exercise will be completed.
Temperature Calibration
Optional temperature calibration sets are available to check out the accuracy of the heaters. But before tests are conducted, your moisture analyzer must be cooled for three hours. Following the instruction manual, insert the temperature probe as close as possible to your thermal sensor. Temperature tests are conducted at two different pounds and take much longer than the weight calibration exercise. In summary, a moisture balance can only give accurate readings in your lab if it is calibrated regularly. Personnel in the lab must be familiar with the entire calibration procedures and timetables.
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