A few years ago, the ISO 8655 guidelines changed the calibration and testing requirements for pipettes.
A few years ago, the ISO 8655 guidelines changed the calibration and testing requirements for pipettes. These updates affect general users as well as labs that work in compliance, like manufacturing and calibration labs. We are breaking down all 8655 pipette calibration updates for you in this blog. Read on to learn more!
What’s the ISO 8655 Standard?
Pipettes are used daily to prepare samples, controls, and assay reagents in research labs. Since pipettes touch just about every experiment, pipetting accuracy is crucial. ISO 8655 is an international standard for the calibration and testing of pipettes and other kinds of piston-operated volumetric apparatus, like dispensers, dilutors, burettes, and syringes.
ISO 8655 Has Nine Parts
The ISO 8655 for pipette calibration has nine different parts, and below is the list of parts in the new ISO 8655:
– Terminology, general requirements, and other user recommendations
– Pipettes
– Burettes
– Dispensers
– Dilutors
– Gravimetric reference measurement procedures for the determination of volume
– Alternative measurement procedures for volume determination
– Manually operated laboratory syringes
Stricter Pipette Language
ISO 8655 specifies maximum permissible errors for pipettes, requirements for markings, and information that manufacturers and calibration companies are required to provide. This standard includes air displacement and positive displacement pipettes, single-channel and multi-channel variants, and more. ISO 8655 states that the tip and instrument operated as one system. Pipette tip manufacturers have to prove that the complete system fulfills all requirements or maximum permissible errors. To account for the variation in manufacturing, the tip must be changed at least once per volume during calibration. Tips are also single-use, so you can only mount tips once. Multi-channel pipette tips also have new tolerances as well.
Pipette Calibration and Testing
Calibration sets the foundation for reproducible and reliable pipetting. Before the update, gravimetric measurement was the standard for calibration and testing. According to ISO 8655, it is okay to use either a photometric or gravimetric procedure. ISO 8655 includes additional testing procedures and criteria for calibration that wouldn’t normally be included with the other ISO 17025 service. These additional procedures are completed to create a consistent environment and test plan, which helps minimize variables that could affect the measurement results. Any organization that is regulated by ISO uses 8655, and this includes a GMP, GLP, or CLIA laboratory. To learn more about this pipette calibration standard, give the Lab People a call today!
Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all our customers. We offer on-site and off-site calibration services for balances, pipettes, moisture analyzers, force measurement, test weights, and more. Services include preventative maintenance, SQ-Min, IQOQ, repairs, legal for trace/placed in service, verification, and more.
For more information about how we can assist you, visit our website, email us, or call us at 1-800-296-2001!