This blog will tell you all about conducting serial dilution with a picus pipette!
Serial dilutions play a significant role in drug discovery. In plenty of laboratories, serial dilutions are usually prepared with some handheld pipettes or with pipetting automates. The accuracy of serial dilution is typically assumed based on the reliability of the pipettes or liquid handlers or the person performing the pipetting. This is usually due to the challenges in directly measuring the test reagent. Increasingly, quality control laboratories in biopharmaceutical industries are incorporating quality control processes for lab serial dilutions, which involve using some absorbance methods or fluorescent dyes to indirectly infer the performance of the dilution, precision, and accuracy. The primary challenges in preparing serial dilutions are both time and accuracy. The accuracy of a serial dilution could be affected by the propagation of errors within the pipetting. This is because each dilution depends on the previous dilution in the series and usually has the highest dilutions in the series along with the most significant errors. Read on to learn more about conducting serial dilution with a picus pipette!
Serial Dilutions
Direct absorbance detection of diluted detection for most diluted DNA was used to quantify the accuracy of any serial dilutions. Salmonella DNA was prepared in nuclease-free water. Then seven point two-fold serial dilutions of Salmonella DNA were prepared using electronic or mechanical pipettes. All serial dilutions were prepared in 1.5 ml Lo-Bind EP microfuge tubes using low retention pipette tips since DNA is known to bind onto standard plastic tubes.
Accuracy with Picus Pipettes
The measured concentrations of each dilution step are compared to the expected concentrations to evaluate the accuracy of the dilution series. For an electronic pipette, the difference between the expected and total concentrations was consistently less than 5%. For the highest dilutions in the dilution series, electronic pipette use improved the accuracy of the highest dilution samples compared to those obtained with the mechanical pipette. Picus electronic pipettes are some of the most ergonomic electronic pipettes available on the market. Pipetting with ergonomic electronic pipettes means that the pipetting series could be completed much quicker and more ergonomically with fewer user errors due to fatigue. Electronic pipetting has extra benefits, which facilitate better serial dilutions. For example, Picus pipettes have made multiple pipetting modes tailored to prepare dilution series, including forward pipetting with mixing and sequential dilution modes. Electronic mixing steps will ensure that, unlike mechanical pipettes, user fatigue from mixing during longer pipetting series doesn’t occur and will not impact the results.
In Conclusion
Making serial dilutions can be difficult, but using an electronic pipette could significantly improve the entire process. Preparation of serial dilutions using electronic pipettes is dependable, ensuring that the two main challenges: accuracy and time, can be minimized.
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