Test Weight Calibrations

MailboxTest Weights are a crucial element used to validate weighing systems and maintain performance logs. Test Weights should be calibrated annually to ensure compliance.


We service the following weight classes:

  • ASTM E617-13: Class 0 – Class 7
  • NIST 105-1: Class F
  • OIML RIII-I 2004: Class E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2, M3
Calibration Weights 2 Calibration Weights 1Calibration Weights 3

Service Offerings

Weight Verification Certificate Sample
  • Regular Service Verification
  • Certificate of Verification
  • “As Found” Readings Only
  • No Adjustments Made
  • Pass/Fail Determination
ISO Weight Calibration Certificate Sample
  • AccISO 17025 Weight Calibration
  • Weight Calibration
  • “As Found” Readings and “As Left”
  • Pass/Fail Determination

Weight Calibration

Ready to get started?

The Lab People have created a sales and calibration infrastructure designed to provide complete certified sales and calibration at your facility or in our lab.

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