Throughout each step of the cannabis business from field to dispensary, there are critical pieces of equipment needed to successfully grow, process, and package cannabis products.
Throughout each step of the cannabis business from field to dispensary, there are critical pieces of equipment needed to successfully grow, process, and package cannabis products. Each step requires different types of equipment to manage and monitor the product according to regulation and for efficient product processing. We have compiled the top 5 pieces of equipment needed for the cannabis business.
Growing Cannabis Plants
Weighing plants is the first step to managing your inventory and planning for cannabis processing. Plants can grow quite large and industrial weighing equipment with unique grips and holders may be needed. We have crane scales that can measure the weight of large plants and can be attached to existing hooks or handles.
Processing Cannabis Plants
For smaller plants, bench scales are a great option. They are durable and many are certified for washdown environments, so these scales will perform in even the harshest environments.
Cannabis Testing
Micropipettes are essential for transferring samples for HPLC breakdown tests. This is a very common laboratory tool used in quantifying THC and CBD content of products. The Lab People offers ISO 8655 pipettes and calibration services as well, which are highly regarded as some of the best pipettes and service in the industry.
Refrigerated Centrifuge
Refrigerated centrifuges are devices used in laboratories to help separate fluids, liquids, or gases based on their density. This is achieved by spinning materials inside of a vessel at high speeds, pushing heavier metals towards the outside. This process is crucial when separating solid plant particles out of THC extract. The refrigeration part of the device maintains a much lower temperature to prevent any heat damage to your samples. This is a necessity if you are running tests in a cannabis laboratory.
Laboratory Balances
Precision weight measurements are needed when sampling for quality control and product characterization. Samples need to be of a consistent sample size which is determined by weighing out samples either in a tube or on a weighing dish. Regardless of the sample size, there are precise balances available for any and all sample weighing. Choosing the right balance for your application can be difficult especially when figuring our capacity and resolution, we have application specialists who can help determine the perfect balance for your specific testing needs.
Retail Scales
When selling a product by weight there are certain requirements for the scale in terms of operating functionality, software integration, and maintenance schedule. These types of scales are referred to as “legal for trade” and need to be NTEP approved and have documentation when they are placed in service. We have experience with helping retailers implement weighing systems for product sales. In addition, we have relationships with software companies that are specifically approved to integrate scales with the regulatory cannabis software systems. We have a cannabis product specialist who can answer your questions and assist.
The Lab People Inc. is a trusted provider of laboratory equipment, services, supplies, and rental equipment for you and your laboratory. As an ISO 17025 accredited service organization, we stand behind our services with 100% satisfaction guaranteed for all of our customers. We are here to provide you with the best lab equipment service, equipment, and supplies.
For more information about how we can assist you, visit our website, email us, or give us a call at 1-800-296-2001!
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